

The integrity of interpersonal relationships are the basis of accounting environment

Any work is not isolated, it must be certain interpersonal, time, environmental coordination. Compared with the general accounting work involved in a wide range of transactional, policy, risk, in addition to the normal financial revenue and expenditure, accounting, accounting oversight operations, but also occurs with unit leaders and staff contact, but also linked to the banking, financial and tax and auditing departments. Interpersonal environment has an important effect on good accounting work, and honesty is the basis of interpersonal, some accountants believe fundamentally not accomplish the impossible, and handed down by the accounting officer, may be handy, both ways, do very well, and is not contrary to existing policies, laws and regulations, so good interpersonal accounting work, coordinated treatment, will play a positive role in the launching of the accounting work. Chinese papers League finishing.

Integrity of interpersonal relationships has the significance

financial accounting work directly related to national units (collective) and individual economic interests, everyone is very concerned about the unit's financial problems, financial problems usually units of various contradictions One hand, accounting personnel responsible for the receipt and expenditure of funds and financial management tasks of the units, according to the law reflected unit of economic activity, to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the accounting information in a timely manner; On the other hand, an oversight of accounting as economic activity means accounting personnel publicity but also to explain the implementation of the laws, regulations and rules of the country's Finance, accounting for unit leaders and workers understand, support,New Balance 420, help and collaboration, maintaining financial discipline. In this way, the accounting staff to the unit leaders and workers of publicity to explain the country's financial laws and regulations and the system, to establish a sense of leadership and financial discipline workers, to remind people to act in accordance with the financial system. Seriously organize the prospective research active as consultants to the leadership, do a good job in advance, during and after supervision, strengthen accounting, planning and arrangements, the rational use of funds to improve capital efficiency. The third is to strictly enforce the law impartially and financial management, maintaining financial discipline, the seriousness of the economic activities of the units must be consistent with national policies and the fiscal and financial accounting system. Carry out the work, to some extent influenced by the relationship between the accounting staff and leadership, as well as accounting personnel with workers, coordinating the relationship between, and establish mutual trust, mutual support of the human environment, to improve accounting efficiency and promote the goals of accounting.

While accounting but also a financial settlement with the relevant units or individuals, receipt and payment of funds and coordinated relationship between these units or individuals, improve the integrity of the building, can get the other side of the accounting work the understanding, support and cooperation, have fewer the work's sense of honor, and more loving and professional accounting career.

Through a variety of ways to establish honest interpersonal

1, to improve their professional quality. Accounting is a professional, policy, technical, time-sensitive, and the volume of business a lot of work, only seriously grasp the professional knowledge, familiar with the policy, grasp the law, proficient in procedures, work excellence, to convince the people business, with the ability to to convince the people, to convince the people to efficiency, performance to convince the people to the subject of admiration, to leadership, . Therefore,Ralph Lauren Danmark, the accounting staff to focus on learning the fiscal and financial and accounting expertise, enhance their professional skills, improve their professional level of, and to shape their own good qualities. Both act according to policy,Ralph Lauren, but also to be innovative, can not behave, others, and especially the choice of one or a few areas to open up to the depth at the bored breakthrough results to make a unique contribution to the economic work or units, also show out of their own talent.

2, establish a good image of the accounting. Accounting work every day, and One must Principle, but not the rules, can not speak not ultra vires things, contrary to the procedures, and can not be arbitrary. Informality in the old concept, courage and ability to take the initiative, to combine scientific attitude and innovative spirit, the entire work of both the orderly operation and full of vigor and vitality. The reform is key to gain competitive advantage, to be realistic, everything from the reality, and the courage to reform the accounting work in the unit, the industry or the region, and even the country in a leading position. Actively to maintain regular contact with the banking, financial and tax and auditing departments, and a wide range of information exchange, and consciously accept supervision, inspection, guidance, external supervision, professional guidance to better promote the discovery of internal problems start the wheels of reform, to better improve the management level, to strengthen ties. For the the financial dealings settlement units and individuals,asics l?besko, and wants to be treated with courtesy, pay attention to credit. So as to make the accounting work for the understanding and support of the leadership and the masses, and win the trust of the business units, and thus establish a good image of the accounting.

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