

How do market research _ International Trade Journal

a clear survey the target

market research; must first clear the market research the target, according to the different needs of the enterprise, the market investigation, the goal is different, corporate $ to make business strategy, we must investigate the developmental trends of the macro-market environment, in particular, to investigate the future development of the industries in which; enterprise system and marketing strategies, to investigate the situation of the market demand, market competition, consumer buying behavior and marketing elements ; encountered a problem when companies in the business,Converse Sko, this time for the problems and causes of market research.

, Design survey program

a market survey program generally includes the following aspects:

. The specific purpose of the investigation since the requirements

According to market research objectives listed in the survey program, the market research requirements. For example, the purpose of this market research is to understand the consumers of a product purchase behavior and consumption preferences.

2. The general object of investigation the object

market research for consumers, retailers, wholesalers, retailers and wholesalers for the distribution of the product under investigation businesses, consumers generally use the product for the consumer groups. In the consumer survey, to note that sometimes the buyers and users of a product inconsistencies, such as baby food survey, the survey should be the child's mother. It should also be noted that the consumption of some products mainly targeted for a specific consumer groups or focus on a particular consumer groups, then the survey should be noted that the choice of products, mainly consumer groups, such as cosmetics, the survey is the main choice of women; for wine products, the survey mainly for men.

3 Investigation the content

survey content is the basis for data collection, survey the target service, according to the purpose of market research to determine the specific content of the survey. Such as the investigation of consumer behavior, consumers can purchase, use, use after evaluation of the specific content of the three aspects listed in the survey project. The survey content is comprehensive,Converse Tilbud, specific, well organized, concise, to avoid exhaustive, too much, too complicated, to avoid since the investigation of unrelated content included. The

4 Investigations the table

questionnaire is the basic tool for market research, questionnaire design quality directly affects the quality of market research. Design questionnaires pay attention to the following (1) the design of the questionnaire closely related with the theme of the survey, focused and avoid non-essential; (2) questions in the questionnaire easier to allow respondents to accept, to avoid respondents do not want to answer or make respondents embarrassing; (3) in the same order in the questionnaire clear, logical, logical order,nike free sverige, and generally follow the easy question to answer on the front, the more difficult to answer ; (4) of the problem in the middle, and sensitive issues placed at the end; closed questions in the former open-ended questions in the questionnaire to be concise, to make use of simple, direct, day-biased vocabulary, to ensure that respondents The questionnaire can be completed within a short period of time.

5. Survey area to

survey area to the scope of sales and business products consistent with the scope of investigation when doing market research in a particular city, for the entire city; but due to the limited number of the survey sample, the scope of the investigation can not be all over the every place of the city, the general distribution of the population of the city, the main consideration of man-day characteristics, income, education and other factors to delineate the scope of several small survey area in the city, the principle of classification is in regions distribution consistent with the overall situation of the city, the total sample pro rata to all regions, implementation of the access survey in various regions. This relatively narrow scope of the investigation, reduce the workload of the field visits, and improve the efficiency of the investigation, to reduce costs.

6. Samples Extracting the

survey sample should be extracted in the survey, the survey of the widely distributed, should develop a sampling plan to ensure that the samples taken to reflect the overall situation. The number of extraction of the sample is determined according to the requirements of the accuracy of market research, market survey accuracy requirements of the higher number of samples taken should be more investigation costs are also higher, generally according to the results of market research purposes to determine the appropriate number of samples. Actual market research,Ralph Lauren, market survey of the number of samples in more than a medium-sized cities, according to the requirements of the survey items, you can choose from 200 to 1000 samples, the sampling method in the sample extraction can be used statistically. Specific sampling, we should pay attention to the factors of the demographic characteristics of the sample of control to ensure that a sample of the demographic characteristics of the distribution of the demographic characteristics of the overall survey is consistent with the distribution.

7. Data collection and finishing methods

market survey, a commonly used method of data collection survey, observation and experiment, in general, the former method is suitable for descriptive studies, the latter two is a suitable method detectability. Companies doing market research, survey method is more common, the survey can be divided into the interview method. The telephone survey method, mailing method. Lien law. Several survey methods have their advantages and disadvantages of different survey occasions, the enterprise can be selected according to the requirements of the actual research project. The data collation methods generally can use statistical methods, the use of Excel worksheets, the questionnaire can be easily treated statistically to obtain a large amount of statistical data.

To develop the investigation work plan

. Organizational leadership and staffing

organization and leadership to establish a market survey project by the project of corporate marketing department, planning department responsible for investigating the organization and leadership, the establishment of the market research group, is responsible for the survey items the specific organization of the project implementation.

2. Recruitment and training of interviewers

access may be the college students of economic management professionals from colleges and universities to recruit, according to the survey project completed all questionnaires on field visits to determine each interviewer one day the number of completed questionnaires, approved Confucian recruitment the number of interviewers. To carry out the necessary training of interviewers; training include; (1) to access the survey methods and techniques; (2) of the product under investigation; (3) of the field survey work plan; (4) the requirements of the investigation and attention.

3 Progress of work

market research projects throughout the process to arrange a schedule to determine the various stages of work and time required. Investigation include the following stages (1) preparation class market research, including questionnaire design, sampling, recruitment and training of interviewers; (2) field survey phase; statistical processing of the questionnaire (3). Analysis phase; (4) to write the report stage.

4. Costs the budget

market cost of the investigation budget questionnaire design printing costs; interviewer training; interviewers cost of labor Gift fee; statistical processing of the survey costs. The enterprises should be approved by the market research during the expenses reasonably determine the total cost estimate of the market survey.

Fourth, organize field survey fieldwork after the completion of the preparatory work

market survey, questionnaire, field survey of the Organization to do the two aspects of the work.

1. Do a good job of organization and leadership of the field survey work

field survey is a more complicated task. To determine the number of survey samples of each region in accordance with the pre-designated areas, the number of interviewers, each interviewer should be access to the number of samples and access routes for each survey area is equipped with a supervisory staff; clear survey and interviews tasks and duties of staff, so that the tasks are in place, work objectives. Clearly-defined responsibilities. When the need to control certain characteristics of the survey sample, it is necessary to decompose to each interviewer, for example, a survey project to investigate the sample to 1000 into the survey male 600, female 400, the subject of the investigation to female ratio was 3: 2, requires that each interviewer surveyed sample of male to female ratio should be controlled to 3:2, in order to ensure the control of male and female ratio of the total sample.

2. Better coordination of field surveys, control the work

investigation of personnel to grasp the progress of the work of the field survey completion, and coordinate the progress of the work of each interviewer; to keep abreast of the interviewers encountered during his visit the problem to help solve common problems encountered in the survey, a unified solution to do, France. To do daily access to the end of the survey, interviewers first fill out a questionnaire to conduct self-check questionnaire, and then by the supervisors to identify problems so that timely improvements in the later survey.

Five survey data collection and analysis

the end of the field survey, enter the collation and analysis phases of the survey data, collected questionnaires filled by the investigating officers on the survey form -by check, excluding unqualified questionnaires, and then qualified survey form uniform numbers, in order to investigate the statistics of the data. Statistics of the survey data using Excel spreadsheet software to complete; survey data entered into the computer, you can get the statistics tabulated by the Excel software running, using the above statistical results, it can be in accordance with the requirements of the objectives of the survey conduct a comprehensive analysis for the survey content.

Six, written investigation report

to write the report is the last work of market research, market survey results of the work will be reflected in the final investigation report, the investigation report will be submitted to the corporate decision-making , as companies develop marketing strategies based on. The market research report in accordance with the format specification written in a complete market research report format by topic. Directory, summary, body, conclusion and recommendations, accessories and other components. The the of

: Zhang Mingli TRANSACTIONS OF Source: see the article Data Loading, please wait ...

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